You are now Dronable!
By Ron Avery
The latest political move to be defended by the Obama
administration is the question of a president?s authority to have American
citizens and their family members and friends droned to death without their
knowledge and without an arrest or a fair trial to prove their guilt of the
crime they are charged with. In case you are unfamiliar with droning, it is the
act of being killed by an unmanned remotely operated aircraft. reported that Charles Krauthammer in his Washington
Post column and on FOX said that America
is in an eternal war against terror or al Qaeda and those nations that harbor
them because Osama Bin Laden declared war on the US in 1996. Bill O?Reilly said,
?But we don?t have a declared war.? Krauthammer said that Bush ?got authority
three days after 9/11 to use force against Al Qaeda and those that harbor them,
which is the modern equivalent of a declaration of war.? He further said that
Americans that pick up arms against the United States forfeit their
Constitutional rights to due process and may be droned to death on the word of
the president who is commander-in-chief of the military. Krauthammer said that ?if
an American citizen took up arms against America
or joined Al Qaeda that they could be droned just as we can do to enemies in Yemen, Saudi, and Pakistan.? Bill O?Reilly did not
challenge Krauthammer at any point but let the assertions of Krauthammer stand
Dr. Krauthammer is far from any principle related to war or
lawful government. It is not lawful to declare a war against a type of a
person, fat, ugly, IRA, Mossad, or al Qaeda, or otherwise, and then set out to
kill them individually in any country in the world. That is a completely new
doctrine that is not proven anywhere in the world or in any court in the world.
What on earth would give President Bush or Obama the right to drone individuals
and their family members and friends in Yemen,
Pakistan, England, or China
because they were thought to be enemy combatants against the United States? No
one on earth should be allowed to commence that kind of abject tyranny in the
world! It?s one thing to bomb an army or group of soldiers but it is totally
another thing to bomb individuals in their car with their family as was done by
Let us start from the beginning of this defining fraudulent
doctrine upon which all Western political decisions rest for the 21st
Century. It starts with the presumption that the destruction of the World Trade Center and the explosions at the Pentagon and in a
field in Shanksville, PA, were caused by the alleged 19 Al Qaeda
When indisputable evidence surfaced that a new highly explosive
material called nanothermite was discovered in all the dust samples taken at
the WTC, no government agency in America bothered to investigate the
source of that material. When Larry Silverstein, who leased the WTC in late
July of 2001, admitted that the 47 story WTC Building 7 was ?pulled? by the New
York Fire Department on 9/11/01 at 5:20 PM, no US government agency questioned
the lease holder or the fire department about how that could happen or when and
how the fire department wired it for pulling. No US government agency ever
investigated the strange disappearance or evaporation of all B757 parts upon
impact from the Pentagon and Shanksville supposed crash sites. If the US government were required to prove their case
that the Twin Towers were destroyed by two B767 jets
and their fuel fires, rather than the precise placement of over ten tons of
nanothermite charges throughout the buildings they could not do it. If the US government
were required to prove that a B757 crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01 they
could not do it. If the US
government were required to prove that a B757 crashed at Shanksville on 9/11/01
they could not do it.
And upon this fraud they build another fraud, namely, that the US president may, at his own discretion, have
individuals, even American, in foreign nations, and in the US, ?terminated?
while riding along in their cars with their family because they are thought to
be aligned with Al Qaeda. This has gone way too far folks! And now we have
drones in the sky over America.
Any American citizen in America
can be droned while riding in their car with their spouse and children if the
so-called US president
suspects they have taken up arms against the US government. We need a full
investigation of what really happened on 9/11/01. Go to for a
template of a real 9/11 trial.
Is the 2nd Amendment God given right to keep and bear arms
and form militias going to mean that Americans have taken up arms against the US government? In
the eyes of the tyrants and criminals that have taken over our nation that
means you are now dronable. Your US Constitution
no longer exists in any form or fashion! This is a national citizen emergency!
Ron Avery is a semi-retired
architect, author and speaker on topics regarding Christian theology and the
principles of property that regulate every aspect of lawful government.