Operation Covid-19: Tyranny, & State Terrorism

The whole foundation of Texas is built on Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas Constitution:
"All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit."

That foundation is firmly placed on the Natural Self-Evident Law of Delegated Authority which says:
"No one can delegate to another more authority than they hold in themselves"

The Exercise of Power Without Authority Is Tyranny

You can stay home, wear a mask at all times, and close your business and reopen at various restrictive capacities and you can take a "vaccine" or other medical procedure but you have no authority to tell your neighbor to do the same.
Therefore, you cannot delegate to the State an authority to tell any one person or all people to stay home, wear a mask and close their business, open at different capacities or get a "vaccine" or any other medical procedure. If the state mandates those things it is abject tyranny or the exercise of power without authority. Yes we have ignorant people in office that do not know the most simple things about lawful government.

For those of you who doubt this interpretation of Article 1 Section 2, read the following quote from John Locke's Second Treatise of Government 1689 from which all American principles of human liberty spring according to Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence using Locke's Treatise:

"Though the Legislative, whether placed in one or more, whether it be always in being, or only by intervals, tho' it be the Supream Power in every Common-wealth; yet, First, It is not, nor can possibly be absolutely Arbitrary over the Lives and Fortunes of the People. For it being but the joint power of every Member of the Society given up to that Person, or Assembly, which is Legislator, it can be no more than those persons had in a State of Nature before they enter'd into Society, and gave up to the Community. For no Body can transfer to another more power than he has in himself; and no Body has an absolute Arbitrary Power over himself, or over any other, to destroy his own life, or take away the Life or Property of another..... Their Power (Legislative) in the utmost Bounds of it, is limited to the publick good of the Society. It is a Power, that hath no other end but the preservation, and therefore can never have a right to destroy, enslave, or designedly to impoverish the Subjects"

And what do we see the Covid-19 Restrictions doing other than destroying our property and impoverishing the citizens to make them take shots of just what we do not know and most likely a future digital implant to verify our subjection so the harmful restrictions may be lifted from the compliant slaves?

Authority is not derived from emergencies or pandemics of any kind but from the people at all times.

Your authority did not increase at the appearance of Covid-19 neither did the State's.

The Use of Harm and violence to Alter Public Policy or Law is Domestic Terrorism according to Title 18 United States Code Section 2331. And since it is imposed by the state, it is properly called State Terrorism.

The use of harm (real, threatened, or pretended) to alter public policy or law is terrorism. When the State or any of its subdivisions imposes harmful Covid-19 policies to force people to take a regimen of "vaccines" or potion injections the State is conducting state terrorism to make citizens take medical procedures against their will.

We need not prove anything about a virus
concerning its existence, strength, or prevalence to prove that government does not have authority
to harm our property derived from the rise of Covid-19 or any other disease or emergency.

Therefore it matters not if the so-called "pandemic" is fake, or not, or how deadly it is, as the event cannot convey authority to government to decree that any one or all people stay home, close their business or wear a mask or take any other so-called precaution or preventative measure including take a regime of "vaccines" or potion injections.

The government has authority to stop anyone who is trying to stop you from wearing a mask, closing your business or staying home or trying to take a "vaccine" to avoid Covid-19.

And the government has authority to stop anyone who is trying to make you wear a mask, close your business or stay home for any reason or to take a "vaccine" or potion injection against your will to "eradicate Covid-19 or any variant."

Hear Mark Anderson and Ron Avery on Republic Broadcasting Network discuss the imperative necessity of standing on
this constitutional principle to stop the unlawful eventocracy, or rule by events,
we have been living under at least since 9/11/01.

This is not going away no matter who is elected as both presidential candidates have discussed the "vaccines" as if they are a given. And tyrants all over our nation have declared that they won't open our nation back up until the "vaccines" are ready and imposed upon all. It is time to know your foundation and stand on it and resist unlawful decrees with civil disobedience which is not unlawful but rather simply disobeying unlawful laws and regulations. Real civil disobedience is not harmful to life, liberty or property but is rather the protection of same in the face of State tyranny and terrorism.

The term "pandemic" has no numeric beginning or ending threshold. Therefore the tyrants can say the pandemic continues as long as they want because no one can prove the existence or non-existence of a pandemic based upon numbers of cases. The pandemic will go on as long as the tyrants want and decree it. It is therefore futile to stop tyranny by attempting to prove the non-existence or cessation of a pandemic.

We can only stop tyranny and state terrorism by standing on the truth that authority cannot be obtained from pandemics to impose lockdowns on the people or keeping them out of buildings and denying them employment unless they take a "vaccine" regimen or potion injections.

Even though there are provisions for emergencies in the Texas Government Code they do not include the power to make people do harmful things to themselves or their property as these Covid-19 Restrictions do: https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/GV/htm/GV.433.htm

Presidents and Governors make tyranny and terrorism from medical science. We must force them to follow sound political science

Mr. Biden says "we are going to follow science." Yet both he and Trump and governor Abbott have ignored political science. It is impossible to make lawful government from medical science and the present attempts to do so only make tyranny and terrorism by definition.
Listen to Ron Avery explain why political science is being destroyed by the arbitrary regulations and unsettled medical science being used to make people do what they would not do voluntarily. https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/stop-the-presses-with-mark-anderson-11-11-20/

When natural man, made in the image of God, without a vaccine is made a threat to society, then society becomes a tyrannical threat to mankind and the Kingdom of God or Heaven on Earth and the body of Christ, the Church.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27
We are expected to believe that natural God made man is imperfect and needs alteration by man's science to better equip him to live in the world that God also created for man to live in perfection. This vaccine is not an alteration of that which we have been given dominion over but rather the pinnacle of God's creation, man or the image of God on earth.
And what is all this mask wearing about when even Dr. Fauci has admitted that the masks do nothing in preventing the spread of any virus? Is it not to degrade man and the creation of God to a subject of government "experts" who want to keep harming you until you submit to their gateway vaccines and implants?
"For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God:" 1 Corinthians 11:7
Therefore, this vaccine gateway back to society is not only unlawful and without authority but a threat to the church and to civilization on earth.
This vaccine gateway is psudo junk fake science which is attempting to replace sound political science that has been adopted by all the people in their constitutions of the several states of the union.

We have spent centuries trying to develop principles of government that would prevent us from living under the tyrannical whim of monarchs and oligarchies and now it appears we are right back under such a system. Two of the most glaring tyrannical whims are the mandatory masks and the closing of bars while restaurants remain open. If you own a bar and you are mad about the groundless preferential treatment of restaurants over bars contact us at taphouse@sbcglobal.net

This system of government run by emergencies should be called eventocracy because it is a way for government to operate tyrannically by deception of the people into thinking that lawful authority comes from events rather than the limited authority in the people delegated to government. Mass shootings, Operation 9/11/01, and now Covid-19 (Event 201) all use events to obtain unlawful power government could not obtain by any other method.

A Journalist and a Pastor and an Architect videographer discuss the efforts of the Mass Media Cartel to destroy the reputation of a Christian when they run for office and how the MMC is afraid of a church awakening that has power to put an end to their false globalist doctrines and plan to alter the state of natural man created in the image of God. Our bodies are not the playground of scientists to eradicate any disease from the earth!
30,000 Italian Bars, Restaurants and Gyms opened on January 15, 2021 in Defiance of Lockdown

Learn how the sheriff can protect your rights and prevent others from exercising authority they don't have and cannot obtain by attending the conference below in person or watch the live stream by clicking on the MixNstream.com logo below

Dr. David Martin researched over 4000 patents filed from 1999 to the present concerning corona viruses:

Dr. Martin to Dr. Fuellmich of the German Corona Investigative Committee: Dr. Martin finds Dr Fauci and his NIAID filed patents on a new corona virus that attacks the human lungs and a patent on how to detect it. See a video and read a partial transcript of all the alarming findings by Dr. David Martin given to the Investigative Committee obtaining evidence for a RICO suit against those involved in the imposition of the Covid-19 scam.

Also see a video and download the full book by Dr. David Martin on 22 years of research on Dr. Fauci and his criminal activity.

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, MD has good news and a serious warning:

Dr. Bhakdi

Heard immunity against Covid-19 and any future variant has been achieved in the entire population.
But if you take a Covid-19 "vaccine" now it will cause your blood vessel walls to produce spikes that will tell your immune system to attack and eat your own cells in the walls of your blood vessels causing blood clots which has been happening at an alarming rate.
See video below for a full graphic explanation.


Dr. Peter McCullough tells Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (of the Corona Investigative Committee planning a RICO lawsuit against those who are involved in the entire Covid-19 scare, lockdowns and potion pushing) that Covid-19 is "bioterrorism." Click on photo below to watch video:

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that proves all the "Covid-19 vaccines" contain Graphene Oxide, which can conduct electricity and can be used in artificial intelligence linking to the internet or data transmissions. It can also be charged remotely to kill the recipient. This could lead to bio mass murder and complete control of humanity.

Click Here or on photo below for Karen Kingston article & Video Interview

Dr. Peter McCullough explains why the "vaccines" must be stopped!

Attorney Thomas Renz with the data to bring prosecutions! Biden said "bring it!" so we are!!!!

Also see renz-law.com for more information

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